1000 Voices Speak For Compassion, Blogging, Feminism, Guest Blogs and Featured Spotlights, Kerry's Causes, Memoir Monday

The Trouble With Being Real, #BeReal, #1000Speak

I usually do a


topic reveal here, on my blog, a few days to a week before the 20th of every month. I didn’t do one for July.

Perhaps that’s because it is summertime and there’s a lot going on. It’s possible I forgot. Or, maybe, just maybe I couldn’t narrow down a topic.

This month’s subject is “acceptance” and I struggle to accept a lot of things, including myself, on a daily basis.

I am scared to let down my guard with people and in my own head. I don’t know what I deserve. I don’t know how to fully accept and embrace who I am, in this given moment in time.

It’s been a movement lately:


In a world so quick to judge, just #BeReal,


The Village Needs To #BeReal

I am on the periphery of the physical stuff this is referring to. I don’t take selfies and I am not even on Instagram or Snapchat.

I include a photo when and where I can, here, but I don’t know how to embrace and accept myself, in these ways, when I can’t even see myself.

this photo is of brian, dad and you on the stairs in front of the apple.

I am not alone on this line of thinking. Here another visually impaired woman says it better, in one short blog post, than I probably will here:

A Thousand Words Are Worth More Than One Picture

I know acceptance must be a deeper thing than the physical and the visual. I guess I have an advantage, not to be distracted by the rest of it. I guess, but I don’t feel let off the hook – not really.

I am all about being real, as the hash tag prods. I don’t like anything I sense to be shallow or fake. I get very uncomfortable around such pretences and I tend to grow critical. I don’t like that I am so, but I guess we all are, in a way.

I want us all to be our authentic selves, but I can hardly not start with me.

I know I am genuine and all that, but how to accept who, what, and where I am, at this current moment, is the hardest of the hard tasks I ask myself to complete. Yes, I expect that I should complete it, but I know it’s the ultimate work-in-progress.

A lot of the blogging world can be unreal. It is a bunch of humans, but they are hiding behind their computers, fiercely typing away. Then, images are sent out into the world. Back to the blog to try and #BeReal for anyone who happens to read.

Any real connections that are made are usually far beyond me, but not always.

I don’t get distracted by the perfect beach photos plastered all over social media, of celebrities posing for the camera because it’s their job. I don’t know how to look like any spiffed-up version of myself. I don’t even know, from day to day, what I look like in my bathroom mirror.

I don’t wear makeup, not trying to impress anybody. I don’t wear it, because I am not afraid of stepping out in public with blotches and circles under my eyes. Or perhaps, I don’t know but that I should be afraid.

I don’t simply capture moments in time where all’s well. I come here to be as real as real can be. I wish I had more freedom in the rest of the world to do the same.

I wish I weren’t so paralyzed by fear and concern. I don’t accept this status, as it is. I won’t accept anything like what I have accepted in the past. I will be real with myself and anyone else who thinks they can handle it.

I think I can be me, whatever that is, and then I will attract what I put out into the universe.

Words are my most valuable tool in a world of photoshopped images. I can be real with words. I can write about the parts of myself I find hardest to accept and those I know full well are my greatest assets.

God grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change;
The courage to change the things I can;
And the wisdom to know the difference.

–Serenity Prayer


11 thoughts on “The Trouble With Being Real, #BeReal, #1000Speak

  1. Realizing the real inside ourselves is often times lost in translation we must also realize it takes effort to dig deeper than the images walking around us. Real is much bigger than what we see and hear… it is in the actions that make us and others feel.

  2. I struggled with this prompt too – honestly didn’t land on my topic until I was walking home from work tonight (I’d had two previous discarded ideas). #BeReal from a physical standpoint has never really challenged me – I don’t even really know how to apply make-up if I’m being honest. As far as being real on blogs – that’s an interesting point. I always thought many are probably more real here than elsewhere – like it’s the place people gather to “really be heard” in areas they aren’t otherwise.

    Lots to think on here – thanks!

    • I guess I never know how many women don’t wear make up, whether that is because I can’t see for myself or not.
      Nice to know I’m not the only one though.
      Oh, I didn’t mean to make it sound like I don’t think bloggers are real. The #1000Speak blogging project has been one of the most authentic things I’ve ever come across.
      There’s just something about everyone being spread everywhere, writing, it forces us to show off parts of ourselves that conflict with the mainstream message in the media. It’s just an interesting give and-take that’s all.
      Off to read your post now. Curious what you finally settled on writing.

  3. Powerful post Kerry. I think being real is something many of us struggle with especially now when everyone has an opinion and willingly shares it. It’s almost like walking on eggshells because you just don’t know if when being real you might offend someone or maybe it’s easier to pretend to be someone we aren’t in an attempt to measure up to another’s standards. I think we make it way more complicated than what it has to be. I think being real is being who you are even when no one else is around.

  4. Pingback: Celebrating a Year of Compassion, #1000Speak #LoIsInDaBl #BlogLove | Her Headache

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