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Collecting Furniture, Memories, and Emails #SoCS

I have been trying, unsuccessfully of late, to write an essay about home. This has given me plenty of time to think about what that means, which must include thoughts of all the things I’ve accumulated in my current home, coming up on ten years living here, this September.

What all can one person


in ten years anyway?

I started with donations from several sources. By that I mean odd pieces of furniture from family and friends. There were groceries to fill my new and empty refrigerator, given by my Oma, who loved to shop and always wanted to make sure I had something to eat.

I guess I am struggling to write this essay, one which I feel is highly important for me to write at this time, because I am struggling with the idea of material things vs memories accumulated in this house.

When I saw that the word for this Stream of Consciousness Saturday was “accumulate” I knew I could find something to say for this stream of consciousness writing exercise of which I’ve found so helpful for more than a year now.

I thought maybe I could look deeper into this accumulating things vs memories and experiences. This home I’ve lived in for ten years, of which I’ve loved, which has brought me a place of comfort to come back to, even when so much of the world and life is so uncertain.

I’ve put all this pressure on myself to write this essay before the end of the year. In my head it must be written in the year of my tenth anniversary of moving in. Silly me and my little things which my brain tells me are important.

Secondly, I know I’ve accumulated emails. This is a sore spot for me lately and for my poor family who have seen how many messages flood my in-box on a daily basis, with seemingly no end in sight. They have tried to help me to get a handle on the problem, but I feel kind of like it’s a run away train kind of a thing.

I started out in blogging, wanting to show support for other blogs like I was getting. I wanted to give back and thank people, to show support to a new blogger, after I had been given so much of that support myself. This landed me in a perfect storm of sorts.

Then I had a few computer blow-ups and switches. The emails kept on coming. Unsubscribe you might say, to lessen the load. I feel so overwhelmed by the whole thing, the technology world one I hardly can get a hold on on the best of days.

I don’t read them all, not by a long shot. I simply can’t. Not possible, or as Ralph likes to say: “That’s unpossible”.

I feel trapped underneath the weight of it all. I know I know, how silly of me to let something like this get to me like I have.

Thinking about all the memories made in this house, for the writing of my essay-in-progress, I think back on someone who lived here for a short time, and I curse him for leaving.


The deeper parts, the fact that we were in a relationship and when it ended the recovery process for me was huge, I now look at my emails and I blame him.

Oh, not that I didn’t miss him when he left, but getting past the harshness of the statement, I now miss his knowledge of all things computer related. When I struggle with a problem such as this one with my emails, I wish he hadn’t left, taking his expertise with him.

Writing about the other effects involving him and a lot more in my essay of living in this house coming soon, I hope, but will I ever get my email problem under control? Only time will tell.

I hate that I’ve let the problem get this far out of control, as I accumulate even more emails as each day goes by. I feel like a hoarder, but my house is not full. It’s my in-box that’s overflowing.


3 thoughts on “Collecting Furniture, Memories, and Emails #SoCS

  1. Bee Halton says:

    I doubt you have let it go out of control. Especially if you have blog subscriptions it is just too much. There are just too many. I have the same problem, to be honest. However, I have started to be quite tough on anything that I don’t really read. It gets deleted. One thing that might help you is this: If you have WordPress subscriptions you can go to your Reader tab. Then you have “Followed Sites” and a manage button beside it. If you click on that page it shows you all the blogs you follow. At the left side of each blog, there is an arrow and if you click on that it opens up a menu where you can click on Notifications settings. On that page, you have a button over which it says: Default email delivery. If you click underneath you can change the settings to different modes. No notifications, weekly or daily. I have set all mine to no notifications but have chosen several blogs I like to visit on a regular basis. Some daily, some weekly, some monthly. Their links are on my Todoist list where they show up and I can go there and not miss their posts. Todoist is an app that helps you to organise your tasks and it is free. I work very well with it but I am not sure how well equipped they are for users who are blind. I hope I described everything in a way you can follow it. If not just send me an email (oops 🙂 ) at bee.halton(at) and you can ask me whatever isn’t clear. Maybe that helps. Take good care of yourself. I hope your essay will go well!

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