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TToT: Stormy Skies Over Soft Summer Sunlight – Where’s the yellow? #10Thankful

“Here is my secret. It is very simple. It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.”

—The Little Prince


I like alliteration in my titles and I like this time of year. I am busy during the days and try not to think too much, about those things that keep me up at night.

Ten Things of Thankful

I’m thankful my family and I are safe and far from natural disasters and that my friends are safe too.

Here in Ontario we get tornados sometimes, but we aren’t out west where the fires are, nor are we by the coast where the flooding happens.

Then I woke to the notification of a strong earthquake in Mexico and I feared for my friends living there.

Mexico is big enough that those I care about weren’t touched, but these natural disasters seem to be everywhere lately.

Just not here. Our weather has been beautiful, if not a little cool for this time of year, but I am loving it.

I’m thankful for such a fun and energizing writing group.

A pack of three crayons (red/blue/green) were brought in for the mystery object, those packs you find at a restaurant, to keep the kids entertained. Well, I love crayons, but many of us in the group wondered and commented on the lack of a yellow crayon.

Our group was larger than usual and I liked the energy each person added. I was entirely entertained, myself, by everyone in that room.

The stories were diverse and all about crayons. Ah, the life of a crayon.

There were two new people there and they were both J names. This, somehow, had its own influence on someone’s story. I hope they both come back.

I’m thankful my brother had his adventure and made it safely home from Iceland.

I’m thankful he returned to his radio show.

He is getting better and more comfortable, every time he does it.

I’m thankful for a another Saturday family day.

The guys went to a baseball game and us girls and Max stayed home.

There were family photos taken out in the back yard.

I’m thankful Saturday family day spilled over to Sunday.

It was a lovely afternoon spent sitting in a circle in the yard, with beers, wine, and snacks.

My family are some of the most interesting people I know.

I’m thankful a piece I’ve been working on (from pitch to publication) is finally out, starting all the way back last May.

Lost, and Then Found Once More: On Traveling Alone without Sight – Catapult

Read to the end and the part about the drumsticks.

This is a prelude to my audio piece for SiriusXM.

I’m thankful for two more “acceptances” and for the fear that’s accompanying both.

I wasn’t expecting it, in a way, and I am back to square one. I must come up with a piece of writing that they will want to publish. I worry about not coming up with anything and instead letting them and myself down.

The excitement is there too though. I am honoured, after ending last week with a rejection email to a pitch, to hear anything at all to start off a new one.

I’m thankful to have an available store full of food to shop in.

As I meandered through the isles, the shelves, and the freezer section and prepared foods, I know not everyone has such choice right there in front of them. It felt like a lot, but it is an abundance I am thankful for.

I’m thankful for pumpkin spiced latte.

Enough said.


6 thoughts on “TToT: Stormy Skies Over Soft Summer Sunlight – Where’s the yellow? #10Thankful

  1. I love your opening quote, and with that in mind, I think you sometimes see things more clearly that many of us. ❤ Your family photo was awesome and I am happy that you all live close enough to each other to have these special times together with good memories being made.

    These past couple weeks I have also found myself thankful for where I live, something I often grumble about. Tornadoes do occur here, but thus far we have not had an encounter with one. The devastation from hurricanes, floods, fires, and earthquakes has indeed been terrible and sobering. We realize how tentative life is, and why it's important for us to reach out to help each other, and not just within the borders found on maps. We are all one family, when one suffers we all suffer. Yes, we have plentiful food on our store shelves, water in our faucets, electricity for power and lighting, and AC to cool our homes. So many are without those basics right now, and we remember them in our prayers and in our efforts to assist with aid. I am thankful that some friends lost homes and possessions but none lost their lives.

    I would so enjoy listening to the stories that your writing group produces, simple prompts like a box of crayons are sometimes the very best because it's fun to see the variety of ways people will utilize them! New attendees is a good sign that word is out about the positive nature of your group!

    I am glad that your brother returned safely from his Iceland trip, and is back with his radio show. That takes courage, and I bet it's fun too! I like listening to people rather than always seeing them, appearances can be very deceiving. Papa Bear and I talked long hours on the phone many nights before we actually met, and I already knew we would be very good friends.

    I loved your published piece. Yes, you found your own way, and I know that you will continue to do so, Your natural curiosity for life drives you toward new adventures that will enrich you, and oh, the stories you will have to tell us! It made me smile that new acceptances took you by surprise, they were more sure about you than you were about yourself! I have no doubt you'll come up with just the right submission.

    It is indeed the season of pumpkin spiced latte… enjoy, my friend, I hope the days ahead continue to fill you with wonder and reasons to smile! XO

    • Oh, how I wish I could share those stories about a box of crayons with you and others. They were all so clever and captivating.

      I am still surprised by acceptances, but then the pressure is on. It’s a lot of expectation. It’s also surprising to me how easy it is for me to complain, even when it’s something I’ve wanted for a long time.

  2. I’m thankful as well that those I know are safe from all the natural disasters happening recently. We’re in the same situation – far enough from the coast to not have flooding, not many tornados or anything. We did have a thing here a couple of years ago – I can’t remember the name of it and couldn’t find it on Google just now. It was an intense 160-mile wind but instead of lasting like a hurricane does, it just sweeps through. Anyway, a tree landed on our fence and the power was out for days – we had to all sleep in the basement because it was so hot. That’s really my only personal experience with a natural disaster.
    Your family days sound really nice and MMM to pumpkin spiced latte. Congratulations on getting pieces accepted – you rock for submitting! I need to be better at that.

    • Submitting takes more time than I’d first realized. It doesn’t seem to me like you’ve got much. I understand how easy it is to avoid. If I were even a small part in inspiring you to submit though, even just a little, I’d be proud. I know you’ve got something to say and a real gift for saying it and so I doubt you’d have too much trouble. Thanks for reading Kristi.

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