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TToT: Thanks and Thankfuls – That Was Awesome! #10Thankful

“The more I see, the less I know for sure.”

–John Lennon

Not sure why,


but I love this one.


“Living is Easy with Eyes Closed.”

I often have my eyes closed in pictures taken. I am told this is a pretty good shot, so they should be open.


The Lighting of the Peace Tower.

Should I say thanks, be thankful for the thanks or thanks for the thankfuls?

This week I am not sure.


Yes, I am Canadian and that means October is when we celebrate Thanksgiving, not November like the US does. Okay, so the actual day isn’t until the 12th, officially, but I celebrated two days early.

For me, this holiday is not and never has been about pilgrims coming across and landing to a grand celebration with The Natives. In Canada, for this Canadian girl in particular, it’s more about celebrating my favourite season (and we get em all in this country), the pumpkins, and the colourful leaves as they fall. Family is the best part, not the pie.

Sure, my family have always eaten turkey and It is true, that I am thankful, but I am just as thankful at Christmas and every other day of the year.

I am a little muddled, as this is my first Thanksgiving as a part of the TToT group – lot of being and feeling thankful going around here. I am a little overwhelmed with that word, “thankful” and all the thankfuls I have running around in my head.

Here I go anyway.

Ten Things of Thankful:

For friendly and down-to-earth writers like Anne Rice.

A couple years back I went ahead and read Interview with the Vampire – my first and only Rice book so far. I am not her biggest fan, but not in a “not a fan” sort of way. I just couldn’t quite let myself grow comfortable with her dark and mysterious writing style I suppose. I look down the extensive list of books she’s written in her three or four decades as a writer and I am impressed, even if the world of supernatural she’s continuously creating remains still unfamiliar to me.

It’s her devotion to her fans, as shown on her Facebook page, that really draws me in and of which I truly admire. As someone beginning to think of herself as a writer, I don’t necessarily think social media is for every author, but I do admire Rice’s dedication to her readers.

Anne Rice Fan Page on Facebook

She is quite obviously the one to handle the page. She doesn’t just post occasionally. She only has her assistant post when she herself isn’t feeling well. She posts daily and is clearly glad to do it.

She engages regularly with her millions of fans, saying good morning and goodnight to them, and having discussions, posing questions, and posting articles.

For friends and graciousness and people willing to help spread the word.

Amy Boviard Author


Original Bunker Punks

in particular.

I thank you for your thoughtful shares and I am thankful that you took the time to talk about or publish me, and then go ahead and share that with your website’s readers and then on your Facebook pages.

For the ability to go and turn on the heat.

The weather is turning to the autumn crispness I love so much, which means I have been going back and forth, unsure which type of weather there might be outside my door in the mornings. Things are changing

On a particularly rainy and windy day I broke down and, instead of just loading up on heavy sweaters, took that step and turned on my home’s heat. I am thankful for this because I have it so easily accessible to me. I’ve been going on and on about humidity, heat, and my air conditioning since I began with TToT, but Canadian winters always end up as cold as Canadian summers are hot.

For familial beta readers and editors.

I am not a writer with a publishing contract and an editor on hand to read the things I write, able to give their feedback and offer their suggestions. I don’t have the money to pay people to read all the stuff I’m writing nowadays, but I have managed to cultivate and maintain a number of relationships with these people. I don’t ask them to help, as I am glad to just have their expertise and knowledge to occasionally learn and draw upon. This is where the family obligation comes in.


Okay, they wouldn’t say it that way, but I still feel bad imposing. Of course, I could impose a lot more often than I do, only asking them to read over something when I really need it.

I apologize eternally to any readers of this blog, as I edit myself, as best I can, but don’t have someone read over my post before hitting publish each and every time.

If a capital letter or punctuation is missed now and then, or perhaps more often than that, I am sorry. These days, with the VoiceOver and Mac, my writing and blogging programs usually catch any incorrect spelling.

As for a week where I have written a piece I’m sending off somewhere to be evaluated and possibly published, to grow a more expanded readership, I look to my family to read my work and offer ideas and first impressions. Usually, this means my big sister. She has a life of her own, you know, with a husband and young son to attend to and spend time with. She works some days and has her own interests, so when she takes the time to help me out I am incredibly thankful.

For my mother and the very fact of her birth. This is worth celebrating and declaring my thanks for, as without this and her, I would not be here to write these words.

For everything she does and everything she is, I am thankful and grateful. I may not always show it, but I mean it from my very soul, with all the feeling words can muster.

I have never been more thankful than for her. Happy Birthday Mom. Xoxoxo.

For purring.

My cat will come over to me and walk across my legs. I don’t know, but I choose to believe he knows the pain therapy he is providing in that moment.

My chronic pain is an all over sort of deal. My legs are sensitive and just the right amount of pressure helps.

As for the purring, when he rests himself against my legs and purrs, I feel better. This is worth a bunch of irritating cat hair on my clothes and furniture.


For a fun Thanksgiving day at the farm, pumpkin patch, and corn maze with the fam. Got an excellent view of the place from my watch tower perch.

Leaping Deer!


My first time through a corn maze. I loved the sound of the rustling corn stalks in the cool fall afternoon, but it would have been creepier in the dark. They said you were supposed to give them your names when you went in, presumably in case they needed to find us in the event that we became lost, but we were rebels and told nobody – well, the family knew, I think.

For the pleasure of getting to give my niece and nephews a little something, a small gift, out-of-the-blue.

It wasn’t a holiday where presents were expected, and that made it all the better. They were surprised and I am thankful I got to make them smile.

They are learning and growing, with each Thanksgiving that passes, and that makes me sad, but in a really grateful way. I get to love them and be there, and that’s worth an unplanned and a surprise puzzle, book, or sticker set now and again.

For optimism, without which, I could never find a thing to be thankful for at all.

Whatever else I give thanks for, I am thankful for the TToT and others who have thankfuls in their lives as well.

This one, from this week’s group, is the perfect example of finding the silver linings, all done with beauty and humour.

A Moment In Time – Summertime Wandering

I can use all the optimism I can muster today. I am off to watch the Toronto Blue Jays play, what could be their last game, and the end of any possible hopes their fans had of a World Series win after more than 20 years eager anticipation and hope.

I am thankful for all the togetherness that is shown around here, after being in Toronto a few weeks back and feeling the energy of the baseball fans, the Toronto supporters growing, and I know today is their last hope and the odds are against them, but until that hope is dashed for certain I choose to be positive and optimistic.

It could happen. As Yogi Berra said, “It ain’t over ’til it’s over.”

Okay, I’ll see where things stand by this evening, a week from now, at next week’s edition of the TToT.


I’ll end this week’s post with one of the most optimistic quotes I know, in the hopes of something sticking, and, as Anne Rice always says to her FB fans,

Signing off.

“It’s been my experience that you can nearly always enjoy things if you make up your mind firmly that you will.”

Lucy Maud Montgomery


19 thoughts on “TToT: Thanks and Thankfuls – That Was Awesome! #10Thankful

  1. valj2750 says:

    You sparkle in the Fall, Kerry. We haven’t turned our heat on yet. Almost this morning – it was in the 40’s but not yet. Have a good week.

  2. …am a little muddled, as this is my first Thanksgiving as a part of the TToT group”
    it does have a certain, ‘coals to New Castle’ feel to it, doesn’t it? Personally I tend to like the idea that, as much as writing about gratitude (for things in our respective lives), what happens around ‘the-blog-that-Lizzi-built’ is (an) occasion to identify with other people, total stranger otherwise, who gather to engage in reflection on life …and such. That surely is one of the more remarkable qualities that this internet world offers those so inclined.
    ….before I go on too long and lose my opportunity, allow me to claim

  3. That first shot is a beautiful shot of you… I am not crazy about doing corn mazes… they kind of freak me out if I really do get turned around… Last one I went in was full of bees as well… argh!

    • Thank you.
      Yes, going to a corn maze was on my bucket list of things to do, as it always made me a little uncomfortable to think of doing, but I fel rather safe that there wouldn’t be bees because of the lateness of the season. This could not be guaranteed and it would’ve been a totally different outcome if there had been. I have a really strong phobia of bees.

  4. dyannedillon says:

    Happy Thanksgiving! It’s my favorite holiday of the year, both because of the food and the family. Corn mazes are great fun! We have gone to one at night before, with flashlights, and it made it even better.

  5. It is a good picture, but I like the one of you in the corn maze as well. I’ve wimped out a bit here and there and turned the heat on. Usually it’s in the morning because it’s still mild enough that we need the windows open at bedtime.

    • Heat or no heat. Hard to decide.
      Today was a no brainer though. Summer-like temps here and Saturday was the absolute perfect day for a fall, family adventure.
      Thanks. That maze was at the top of my list of things to experience near home.

  6. I definitely don’t care for corn mazes, but the beautiful outdoors in fall, the cooler temps, the pumpkin patch. We had a gorgeous weekend this weekend and I feel like we missed an opportunity to enjoy the mountains or the patch, but we had heavy rains Friday evening and things were quite muddy.
    I do struggle with the heat at this time of year – warm during the day but cooler at night. Too cool for no heat, too warm for heat. Hard to decide.
    Your photos are gorgeous – you look so incredibly happy!

    • I was happy to be enjoying my favorite season with my entire family. I wanted to visit a pumpkin patch with them for a few years now. However, my nephew wanted to spend the entire time in the sandbox. He can do that anytime.
      He wasn’t quite so impressed with the corn maze either.

  7. The photo of you is wonderful. I think animals can sometimes sense when people are in pain. I’m so glad your cat provides comfort to you. It sounds like you have a lot of support as you go forth on your writing career. Happy Thanksgiving!

    • Thank you very much.
      My cat is so sweet and friendly, but his pain relief qualities are an extra bonus.
      Yes. I am lucky to have all the support that I do. Not everybody is as lucky, I know that.

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