Blogging, Fiction Friday, Guest Blogs and Featured Spotlights, IN THE NEWS AND ON MY MIND, Interviews, Kerry's Causes, Memoir Monday, SoCS, The Redefining Disability Awareness Challenge, Throw-back Thursday, Travel Tuesday, TToT

2015 October Platform Challenge: Day Nine, #platchal

I missed a few days there, or a little more than that, as I already have both a Facebook page and Twitter, but I’m back for more of a refresher.

Create An Editorial Calendar

I outline what I want for my blog, in my very first post,

Bucket List,

but I had no clue how it would really be to have a blog, day in and day out. I couldn’t have known then.

I do like to keep a rough schedule, more in my head, but the categories I select before each post help me keep things straight.

I stayed up, into the night, before I actually launched this blog, coming up to my thirtieth birthday in 2014 and mapped out which days I wanted to post.

I would let alliteration lead me.

Memoir Monday: My Fear of Going Blind

Fiction Friday: An Old Woman’s Regret

Spotlight On Saltz

From there, as the months of blogging went on, more weekday categories were added.

Touching Landscapes: Feel the Vibrations

This was my regular post, my growing favourite, Travel Tuesday as I called it. This was how I eventually decided to branch out further, creating

The Insightful Wanderer

and my blogging schedule continuing to change.

Slowly, my favourite weekly posts have become

In The News and On My Mind: #1000Speak Edition

because these allow me to focus in on what may be going on, in the moment.

It is a difficult question, how often to post on a blog. I don’t like to box myself in by telling myself I have to post, but I understand consistency and regularity.

I have not run out of things to say, like I’d feared in the beginning, and only really the opposite is true.

Every day is too much, but I hate to go more than a few days and not publishing something.

My Mondays have become a series on disability, for which I have a vested interest.

When It Rains It Pours – The Redefining Disability Awareness Challenge

I do the well known TBT thing.

Throwback Thursday: World Kidney Day

My weekends were where I featured interviews. I wanted to give the spotlight to other people who write, blog, and make a difference in some way.

She’s the Bomb

Eventually, my weekends would evolve into what they currently consist of: Stream of Consciousness Saturday and 10 Things of Thankful on Sunday.

SoCS: Engraved


TToT: Extra Thankful For These Last Eighteen Years

So this is just a selection of my posts, an example of the kind of blogging schedule I keep to. This won’t be the way others can or choose to do it. I don’t know. Is this too much? I know it’s enough and I am happy because my blog, its content, style, and all other elements, including number of weekly posts is me…just me.

When an idea hits me I make a note of it, trying to decide when and if it might fit. I plan things, sometimes weeks or even months ahead of where I am. It works for me. Writing is a lot of hard work, more than people realize, but the weekly practice is the best thing for me. I like to have a plan wherever possible, but yet I also like to go with the flow and let things happen naturally.

A blogging calendar, like a yearly one, has certain markers of importance and note. What might take place in between is anyone’s guess.

I am enjoying this challenge for the month of October. It has given me more to think about. It is now a part of my month.

Follow the guy who runs the challenge.


Dates to make note of, things to come on my blog, of course always subject to change:

**More posts for Redefining Disability, including my thoughts on a woman who made the news for making herself go blind.

**An “In The News and On My Mind” post about voting. Will I or won’t I?

**A post about love (tentatively titled Somebody That I Used to Know), a list of songs to help with heartbreak and how to get past lost love.

**Halloween themed posts about spiders, werewolves, and ghosts.

**My story about a giant book fair, by the lake, in Toronto.

That should get us through October anyway.

Blogging, Book Reviews, Guest Blogs and Featured Spotlights, SoCS

Surprise Surprise, #SoCS


I am back, after another break, and ready to talk about expectations and the unexpected:

Bet you don’t know what to expect.


Last weekend I was not able to participate in Stream of Consciousness Saturday because I was in Toronto. I’d gone there, expecting to do a handful of expected things, but I ended up doing the unexpected.

I went to a Native Pow Wow…unexpected.

I had a delicious Mexican dinner with a friend…unexpected.

I got into a fight with another friend, after I was unnecessarily and unusually rude…definitely unexpected.

I went to a giant book fair by the waterfront. This was planned, but what was really unexpected was my meeting Canadian publishing royalty. This is the type of unexpected event I love. That’s what makes life so great.

I am now left with expectations. I gave my book to a friend, others have said they are buying a copy, and I am now waiting to hear reviews. Did they like my story? Did they not? I don’t know what to expect, but the whole thing makes me question what I think I’m doing writing anyway. I guess I did not think the whole thing through, that people might actually end up reading my writing.

I went to a baby shower today, for a friend. I am not quite sure if she was expecting it. She answered the door when I arrived and I feared I’d come too late, too early, blown the surprise.

I think I am getting a cold. I feel the early signs and symptoms coming over me. I had been expecting this, frankly. It’s going around lately. My friend in Toronto, where I stayed last weekend, she was sick. Lots of people are. What do you expect?
